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Going Our Own Way

Going Our Own Way

HOW WE THINK ABOUT money affects almost every aspect of our lives. All the landmark decisions we make have a thread of money influence running through them. I’m talking about college, career, marriage, kids, the people and places we associate with—even how we spend our time. If we don’t make these decisions intentionally, we’ll drift downstream, carried by the current of the most popular money management ideas. That brings me to a study recently published by the Journal of Retirement and entitled, “The Life-Cycle Model Implies that Most Young People Should Not Save for Retirement.” The...

The Tenor of Ideas

The Tenor of Ideas

I’ve discovered that life is better when I practice the discipline of a teachable spirit. It’s not always easy to do—because pride gets in the way—but one thing is certain: I need others. And when I do open my eyes and ears to receive, I find there’s no shortage of people who want to change my life with their ideas. While I’d love to give all of them my attention to consider their point, that's just not practical. So it becomes necessary to be selective. Maybe you’ve found yourself in the same conundrum.  Because it takes so much energy to admit a new life-changing influencer into our inner...

Making It

Making It

FLETCHER WHITE, my great-grandfather, was one of the young American doughboys drafted to fight in World War I. He also helped set the financial direction for our family for generations to come. Fletcher may have lacked military acumen, but he compensated with ingenuity and resilience learned growing up in rural Appalachia. In fall 1918, he and a million fellow American soldiers pulled off in a few months what the French had been unable to accomplish in four years. At a cost of more than 26,000 U.S. lives, the Meuse-Argonne Offensive dislodged the German soldiers from their trenches,...

What’s On Matt’s Blog

What’s On Matt’s Blog

When you have questions about money, who do you go to first? A financial advisor The financial media Your friends and family Your pastor or a leader in your church Do you ever find it challenging to decide who to listen to? What a variety of perspectives! The blog at MattChristopherWhite.com will help you seamlessly integrate the kinds of wisdom and knowledge that you might hear from each of them, capably think for yourself, and make confident and joyful money decisions. Here’s a look at how: Financial Advisor Money is complicated. It takes hard work to understand it. I’ve spent the better...

Christmas All Year

Christmas All Year

I GAVE THE BEST PEP talk I could muster, but it didn’t help. Our family of four entered Walmart in solidarity, planning to buy gifts to fill an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. Two of us left early in disarray. I had to wrestle my screaming two-year-old all the way to the car because she knew only one way to approach the toy department—with herself in mind. Eliza melted down over her refusal to part with a cheap plastic toy. As much as we romanticize the idea of giving, it seems we have a hard time actually doing it. A growing body of research shows that giving does more for...